Greetings from China!
I am currently in Shanghai a modern city with a population of over 25.000.000 people. And I have great news for you!
As you all might know Newgrounds was blocked for a couple years in China. I made efforts to have Newgrounds unblocked in China, by writing to the department responsible for internet control (internet censorship). It was probably only a drop in the bucket, and definitely not pivotal in their decision to unban it. However it happened and now I proudly announce:
Newgrounds is no longer blocked in China!
However youtube and facebook which were not banned in 2008, are banned now.
Then again Wikipedia, which was banned before has also been unbanned, and google can be used without problems too (but your search engine will stop working immediately if you look for certain words or phrases, which I rather not mention right now.)
And below a photo of me and my wonderful wife.
I welcome your comments and will respond to any questions as soon as possible.
Leave a comment you want to share with the world, or ask if you are interested to know something about China.