View Profile Kenzu
I speak fluently: Russian, Slovak, English, German, I also speak Czech, Chinese and French fairly well. You may contact me in any of these languages. I have some basics in Japanese+Spanish --- Help others and your life will be more cheerful and pleasant.

Kenzu Milagro @Kenzu

Age 37, Male

economics student


European Union

Joined on 2/3/06

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Communism will fall with Castro's death.
PS: Do you speak Polish?

There is no communism in Cuba, so it can't fall either. Cuba has a socialist dictatorship. I hope the next generation of Cuban leaders will be more democratic and let socialism thrive forever. Hopefully socialism spreads to all Latin American countries and they form a Union, just like the EU.

I dont speak Polish, but I understand this language quite well. Some words are similiar to Russian, some other words are similiar to Slovak or Czech.

PS: This movie will be submitted in Polish as well. Thanks to a polish comrade! Dziekuje!

Communism will never fall!
Death to Capitalism!!!

The morning glory is great,
because our sun is bright red!

interesting, sounds epic :)

I hope to achieve that through impressionism.

Look forward to it.

Problems with Communism: Although they offer economic equality civil rights suffer. I'm die hard liberal however I believe that if you don't work as hard as the next guy, you shouldn't make the same wages. I also don't support the fact that if your a nerosugion who when through years of training, vs a school dropout who works at a bread factory, that they both make only 15,000 a year. Now is that truely economic equality? The farmer thats only allowed 5% of what he grows. Also, Communism is perfect in a small society, such as a village. After all, you have every job needed is covered. And no money is needed. However when you have a population in the millions. No doubt there will be those who will not do their air share of work. Now believe me, I am strongly against capitalism, I see your opinion on the war hungry greedy abuser. However Communism is too extreme and just plainly unstable to work. People want civil freedom too.

The problem with capitalism is that it's NOT the HARDWORKING person who gets more money, but the GREEDY OWNER who invests with CAPITAL, thus the richer get rich and the poorer get poor, even when the poor work harder than anyone else.

btw. why do you talk about communism? This movie is not about the paradise called communism, but about an achievable society called socialism.

Cypheruss, right! I agree with you.
Monarchy is better than republic.

Is it? Why should power stay in the family. Aristocracy is good for nothing. The most able and skillful should rule!

It sounds like an interesting story

Weird and interesting plot :u
I look forward to the movie. Is it just one movie, or are there going to be more than one parts?

Socialist World Republic is not a series, nor a movie split into parts. It is a movie in one part.

The movie will show the past, the present and the future

I don't like frightening plots. Communistdtaking over the world would be a nightmare

It is actually socialism taking over the world.

I'd like to ask you one thing though: What's wrong about a system, where all people help each other to build a paradise?

Remember: If everyone gives everything to everyone, we all will have everything!

P.s you should try to add icelandic to the list, ill give you 100$ IF YOU CAN SPEAK ONE SENTACE

Maybe I will. I have a friend who was an exchange student in Reykjavik. She has learnt Icelandic as well! I will ask her to translate the lyrics for me though, so I can submit it in Icelandic as well!

You dont need to give me 100$ though. I work for free! I am glad when my movies make other people happy, and that's the reason I draw them. If you have spare money, you should maybe consider giving it to an orphanage in your city, or spend the money and buy some toys for some kids living there. I am sure they would be thankful to the angel who was responsible for this. And this angel would be you!

Arn't you a little old to believe a system based on equality has any hope of working?

I was wondering how it is possible that some people dont believe in equality, solidarity and humanity without greed and exploitation.

Later I found out why. It is all because such people are so immoral, who are greedy for money even if this makes other people suffer. Such people, who all they care about are they themselves, are not able to believe in socialism, because they assume that all people are as unethical and greedy like them.

Nevertheless the majority of people want social justice, where no person is forced to live in poverty. A world where all people work together, not against each other.

Hmmm about that greedy pig aspect I have to leave a comment.
The actual situation in germany:
Our country is in a economic crisis. Many people dont have a job. The wages are shortened. Our state social system is endangered because peole are getting older and older and there arent enough young people who can work and supporting it by taxes. But there is one thing which is even worser. The manager wages. Thousands of people are getting fired or the wages are halfed but those greedy bonzen pigs are raising their wages at an unmoral rate. Is this justice. What would you do. They re using arguments like: If we dont fire people or lower their wages our company will suffer or we will go bankrupt. But I think thats a lie. Its all about personal profit and explotation of the dumb hard working masses.

I fully agree with you. It makes no sense that people get fired while some managers earn as much as 100.000 Euros per month. In real socialist countries the wage difference wouldn't be as high and managers could only earn 100.00 Euros per month if the company would be as successful that all their workers would earn at least 50.000 Euros.

Social justice must prevail!

that was pretty nice...
I really like it... XD

Glad to hear that! You commented before I had the chance to write an entry about SWR being submitted.

Hi, to answer your response you gave me on a review:

You may be right that Western-Germany demonises the DDR too much, but that can be said the other way round, too. The Berlin Wall was called "Antikapitalistischer Schutzwall", everything and everyone from the western part of the country was "Staatsfeindlich" or a "Staatsfeind".
But the other side of the coin is (or at least was) that there's a hughe "Ostalgie"-wave here and I can't say that I'm too fond of that. The truth is, that the DDR was a dictatorship, if socialistic or not. Things like the Stasi, the opression of free speech, assembly bans, no free elections, restrictions of freedom of travel, etc. are overshadowing the "good" things by far (at least in my opinion ;) ).

See, I am not trying to say that with the reunification everything is better and brighter and happier now as it was in the DDR. It is not and to be honest I am really unhappy with the situation in my country. As you said, the DDR had a strong support for children, etc. and I like that you stand up for the things you believe in and I totally agree with your statement that people should HELP and not fight each other, but I really think that using propaganda songs of the DDR isn't the best thing to substantiate that statement.

Eigentlich war das der "Antifaschistischer Schutzwall". It was not DDR who opressed the people, but a handful of real "enemies of the state", who were at the top of the government, especially during Stalinist era. Later DDR became more democratic, while it retained one party.

If you look at the constitution of DDR and its anthem, you will see that it promoted a truly socialist society, free from oppression, and that's exactly what fuels "Ostalgie". All the good things that have been achieved will stay in our hearts forever.

One of these achievements is socialist music. Great art, with a lot of style promoting good values , without sticking to themes such as drugs, money and pimping like in a lot of western music. The music in the west serves the purpose of gathering wealth and making profit, while socialist music has been made for the people. Only socialist music is uncopyrighted. Only socialist music can be freely shared with all people and used in flash movies. Capitalist music requires special permits and licenses for that. Socialism brings a lot of things for free, let us never forget that!

Brilliant. Truly inspired.

I love this movie ^^