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Kenzu Milagro @Kenzu

Age 37, Male

economics student


European Union

Joined on 2/3/06

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So this is basically a Wall-Of-Text version of an advertisement.


I would hardly call this an advertisement, but I think we should call it an short essay about browser games.

What do they suck?


yeah kinda like a wall of text to advertise

i do agree with the "why browser games suck" all the way
that's why i play free games! like alien swarm

most browser games are free to play actually. those free games usually get the funds from micropurchases, and these become a problem if too many benefits are given to people so that players who dont pay cant play properly anymore, because they are being heavily discriminated against paying players.

Alright, you convinced me, I will register later today and try it out. See you soon I guess!

See you soon!

Bring many friends with you!

The problem with non profit oriented games is that you can't hire professional artists and web designers, no matter how well-developed the game is.

Actually, after a game reaches a certain size, you can hire anyone. Paying a copuple thousand $ to professional artists and web designers makes sense if the game has say 10.000 players logging in each day. Especially if it helps you attract enough players.

I currently don't see the need for hiring such people. There are enough skilled people working on it already. Besides, Aderan Wars is not a game for kids anyway. Many of our players are 20-45 years old. Mature players don't care much about graphics anyway.

But I understand what you are getting at.

Hahaha, after reading the whole thing, I came to the conclusion that the difference between Aderan Wars and other games, in your opinion, is very similar to the differences between capitalism and socialism. And you prefer socialism because you don't want to spend the time it takes to catch up to people who have put in the time, how is that fair to people who work hard at being the top? Anywho, it's silliness one way or the other. Neither system is perfect, but I would rather be in the capitalistic scenario because I would want my effort to be reflected by my spoils.

You are partially right.

However, this doesnt mean that everyone will be equally successful. If you have a limit on how much you can attack each month, you have to think of a better strategy than others how to get the highest benefit out of it. If you use your supply turns more efficiently than others, gain more profit per turn than others, then you will reach a much higher rank than others.

Strategy is more important than time you spend on the game

Of course, if you don't even take the time to attack others, then people who take the time to reach their limit on attacks will be much more successful than you, even if they use a worse strategy than you (unless they piss off people with their attacks and end up getting massed).

Guys, this isn't advertising, it's called praise.

I don't like most online games for every single reason you mentioned, so I too might try out Aderan Wars because it sounds like true effort was put into the game.

I am also currently on a quest to make the perfect game of a different genre, so playing this might even inspire me.

Send me a link once it is online!

I agree with all your points. I only have on problem. I hate strategy games.

So whats left for me?

If you don't like strategy games, then Aderan Wars is not for you.
Luckily there are so many different genres you can also find something that suits you


Browser games suck, thus I play "big" online and multiplayer games.

Browser games are not for everyone.

Some people like them, some people don't

Oh wait never mind, it is advertising.
And the game isn't very good.

I still agree with all your points but there is more to a polished game than just fixing a few flaws of other games.

If you fix all flaws, you end up with a flawless game. It's impossible to make a game better than a flawless one, right?

Afterall if it's not flawless, then some things still need fixing.

Why is the game not good?

Also, 1 day isn't enough to get a feel of the game. You should play it for at least a week. Besides, in the beginning your account it too small and you can't judge a game properly simply by registering and logging in a single time. There are many options which open up to you only after you reach a certain size. Play a game for 1 month and then I consider you a player who played it properly.

My secret recipe to play a decent mmorpg is to pay MONTHLY fees, that scares most childs who actually spend way more than the 12 bucks per month on text messages and whatnot to get their "special resources" etc. And well, you're playing an ACTUAL game other than a pen & paper version on the internets.

Anyhow anyone who've been playing for 3 months will be in another league, one I could never be able to reach if I don't grind as much as possible, and at the same time the top ranks relax themselves, it's just logical a new player can't get to the top by sheer hard work if everyone has the same oportunities. and if someone is good enough to make his/her way into the top ranks after a year and a half playing with the first players still active... Well you're wasting a brilliant mind and time playing that stuff.

I personally wouldn't want to play a game where the creators would delete my account if I stop paying. That's why I only play games which are either free to play, or you simply pay 30-60 Euros at once and can play the game as much as you want.

I rather pay more money at once than having to make recurring payments each month. 50 Euros might sound like a lot for one single game, but I can buy the game play it as much as I want until I get bored, quit playing, and then after one year play again. However if I paid say 10$ per month for a game each month, and I played it for 2 years, I end up spending 240$ for a game, which will force me to lose everything I achieved if I ever stop paying. That's not something I would want to live with.

Obviously there will be people who prefer pay to play games, and others who would never play such a game. It's natural that different people have different preferences.

What kinda economics student plays browser games anyway, like aren't those counter-productive. They should be your antithesis if anything, now go fix the world's economy please.


I know a couple

If browser games are counter-productive then every game is counter productive, because they are similar in the way that they take time to play, which could have been used to study. But in reality they aren't counter-productive if you don't spend too much time on them. If you play moderately, it will raise your spirits and you are more productive at study and work if you are in a good mood.

I've been gaming since I was 4 years old and Im sure Im setting myself up for a lynching here but World of Warcraft is the best you can get in team based multiplayer gameplay, I know for some reason the mention of the game spirals some people into a rage but it has so many subscribers for a reason, the reason I enjoy it is because its not just some rpg with online multiplayer slapped on, it's built around team based gameplay and everyone has to work together to get through the challenges.

I've seen it on Youtube and even though it's not a game of my genre (I'm not into magic), I consider it a good game from the looks and the things you can do there.

Of course it's not a browser game.

it is a commendable initiative to try to correct the wrongs of most browser games however i think you're somewhat missing the point. you see browser rts games don't suck because of cheaters and people who buy their way to the top they suck because there are inherent flaws in the design of browser games that at least for me are very difficult to overlook
the most glaring of these being the central mechanic of the game being patience i.e waiting to hours to build things or reap resources and i can't watch that for several hours without getting very bored. you see i am actually less interested in your game because you talked about having to spend time playing it i think browser games would be better meaning not shite by making you play the game make some sort of minigame for making resources or bulding things or at the very least give you the option of doing something while you wait but as it is these games are terribly boring and even in their best moments are only slightly amusing. i love strategy games they are my favorite genre and rts games in particular i grew up playing wc3 and age of empires but of all dozens of browser games and iphone knock off browser games i have only ever seen one done right a little game called energy empire. it was an ios game that was taken down back in 2012
and in 2011 and 2012 i spent an embarassing amount of my own time and money playing it i got to about 20th best in the world at one point. which wasn't much of an achievement considering only a few thousand people ever played it
i'm going now to tell you why it is the only browser game ever that was good
1. nothing ever took too long to build, nothing took more than three hours
2. it was a fun experience to collect resources, you got to physically touch the screen every time
there were new resources and i can't explain why but man was it satisfying.
3. it was a pretty game, most browser games follow the same ugly boring and drab style while energy empire was bright and colorful
4. the chat system might have had the friendliest people on the entire internet
even if you invaded somebody's territory you would have a conversation with them and most likely not do anything because everyone was nice
5. it MADE YOU work with others by putting four players in a territory and you had to work together to defend it this kind of teamwork brought people from all walks of life togeth