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Kenzu Milagro @Kenzu

Age 37, Male

economics student


European Union

Joined on 2/3/06

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Communism isn't a good idea and never was. People don't like being told what to do, even if they're told to do something they want to do. Utopian ideals are just that, ideals, and they assume everyone has similar goals, values, morals, and beliefs, which will never be true.

No system is perfect, I'll grant you that, but communism is an extremest form of government, just as libertarian capitalism is. I think most western countries have found a good balance between socialist humanitarian values and capitalist free-market values, each country shifting between the two when it's called for.

@Tenebricus: Using China as an example of a successful communist state is pretty ignorant. China is very broken. There hasn't been an example of successful communism yet, so when applied in the real world you end up with totalitarian governments and all that that implies, not a blissful utopia.

In Capitalism you are always told what to do.

If a system of government is based solely on one belief, it will never work. Every system has its giant gaping flaws, and there's no ways to get around those in politics.

If you want a system to work, you have to use ideals from multiple different doctrines. Basically, total socialism and total capitalism both result in the same thing: everything controlled by a small group.

The one pickle i've had with communism is that it is popularly shown as a system where the leaders aren't really selected by the people but a by populist movement within the system not too different present in capitalist countries. Democracy is one of the traits I think a nation should have too, but i understand that to some extent, too much of it is bad as well. This video had me thinking; would it be possible to have a check-and-balanced democratic system with socialist policies? For me, socialism is different from outright communism and i've come to think that the former is better; but this of course, is only an opinion.

There are a lot of corrupt capitalist systems too, you know, so I thought a mixture of it would be tangible.

Interesante sache mit der Kommunisteschen partei. Meine eltern sind in Kommunistischen Romenien aufgewachsen, nur ein problem war das die Romenische Kommunistmus gemacht hat war die Rechte der Menschen weh tun, aber die hatten gratis Gesundheitsphlege! Der Nicolae Ceausescu war ein böser Mensch wie er President war, ehrlich! Die Russische Kommunismus kenn ich nicht so gut aber ich glaub den Russen ging es auch so, so ich würde nicht für das Kommunistmus wählen.

Nein, es war nicht gleich. dass Rumanische Regime war das schlechteste Regime aus ganz Europa. Das Rumanische Regime war stark stalinistisch und gleichzeitig von einem schlechtem Diktator gefuehrt, der das Volk hungern lies um sich einen riesenpalast zu erbauen, dass groesser als alle Palaste ist (mit der ausnahme von White House).

Ceausescu war ein idiot und hat das Land in Armut gerissen. In den anderen Sozialistischen Laendern hat die rasche Privatisation die Laender in die Armut gerissen. z.B. Russland: Nach Ankunft des Kapitalismus ist das BIP in 10 Jahren von 100% auf 60% gefallen.

Personally, I am not a communist nor am I against it, I have always been sort of neutral, however I do agree with some communist ideas. For example, I don't think an actor should become a millionaire just because he succeeds in a field that he is good at. What about scientists? What about school teachers? Shouldn't they be millionaires too if they succeeded in what they liked to do? In that sense I believe we should be more equal, BUT I do not support complete equality.

If everyone was completely equal then those who slack off and do nothing would get money that they don't deserve.

I just think that the salary of normal people who work hard in their field should be about equal to that of actors/musicians/football players.

I think so too.

If 2 people work hard, and both work the same amount of time, they should get similar wages, no matter what their profession is. However, people who have more experience should get more and the wages should increase with age.

Therefore someone who works for 20 years should get a higher wage than what he got when he started working.

Even IF there was no corruption in the communist government, it would still be a bad idea. Did you know a soviet invented Tetris? Did you know he saw 0 profit from this? Anything having to do with art or creative thinking is halted once communism is involved and the rightfully deserving creators don't get shit.

That's not true. Many people received awards for researching new things. A medal was usually accompanied with many benefits, priviledges, better houses/appartments and cars given to you by the state and also financial boost.

//Using China as an example of a successful communist state is pretty ignorant.
Well, there was a typo in a sentence, which I was answering to, so I misread it. Sorry. China is formally a communist state. I mean, that's what their politicians say. But you're right about "true" communism never having been achieved. Still, a "communist state" is a state, where communist ideology prevails. Nothing more. It's not necessarily a state, where communism really exists.


No one in China has ever said that China is a communist state.
Especially not politicians.

The only people who believe communist states exist are people who have no clue what communism is and also no clue what countries they are talking about.

China is by definition a socialist republic.

the constitution states China it is a socialist republic led by the communist party.

Look people have forgotten what Communism is!

Lenninism is NOT communism , altough it is when introduced by the right people (such as Lenin himself) a great possibility to implement it . Altough fuckheads like Stalin take the temporary suppresion of the rich WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to far.

I myself am a Marxist and believe that Capitalism is fundamentally flawed as it incouragess stupidity , ignorance and greed. This is NOT human nature in any way This is BEHAVIOURALY taught meaning that if you get brought up capitalist and you dont rebel you will become stupid , ignorant and greedy 75% of the time.

Also Communist society has never been realised due to the Cold war , in a REAL communist society there is no need for War and therefor not for a Defence Budget and so the USSR wouldnt have gone bankrupt.

To conclude , I have one simple statement to make: America will be a third world country within 20 years , your debt is unsustainable , you do not produce any quality products and nor do you export any of your crap products.This combined with debt and Consumerism will mean more DEBT untill you yourselves go bancrupt.


I see where you are going and if the debt continues to accumulate it will be sustainable only as long as the world will believe USA to be creditworthy, but with higher debt creditworthiness falls.

I personally dont expect that USA will be increasing their debts forever.

For The Greate revolution commrad! If only trtsky had come to power instead of stalin... we would be living a differnet world. anyways maybe communisim is destined to work in small grups, like the paris communisim (in the the late 1800s) but, marx idea can be made better so lets don't forget our ideals!

Communism definitely works in small groups, but socialism can be easily achieved also state-wide.

ya well as an ideology i`m more into anarchy :) but if i wore 2 chose a state organisation ideology it would be a mix of socialism where people get free education,same rights, can always get a job etc. and of democracy the right 2 vote your leader be able 2 make your own opinion a sort of a state which watches better over your well being but at the same time gives u a lot of liberty (sorry 4 any no-senses or grammar fails :) i`m foreign [and not 2 god at english] )

I think anarchy is much less likely to work than democratic socialism.

It didn't work the first go around (I'm not in the mood to argue about the fact no real communist government existed, technically early human civilizations were more or less communal hence communist), why bother to try it again? Capitalism is a great system. The problem comes when the government meddles in with private organizations. The computer, the food, the products we enjoy came from capitalism. Socialist states often just steal the tech from capitalist ones. Without competition there is no motivation to improve your product.

It's true that capitalism has its own faults but that is with every economic system. However, the dollar has a stronger voting power and can keep companies in line a lot better than a socialist committee. I have yet to see a socialist party work better than the sheer efficiency of capitalism.

Let the Russians turn to communism. It'll be great to get the good old Cold War up and going again.